Can you know some information about the conveyor belting?
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Can you know some information about the conveyor belting?

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Can you know some information about the conveyor belting?

The rapid changes in technology have promoted changes in the field of industrial production. The technological upgrade of conveyor beltings has promoted more and more types of conveyor beltings, adapted to the high-intensity needs of different industrial fields, promoted the speed of material transmission, and greatly improved the efficiency of work transmission. It plays a huge role in the industrial automation track.

What is a large-scale conveyor belting?

What are the characteristics of the conveyor belting?

What are the functions of the plate-type equipment of the conveyor belting?

What is a large-scale conveyor belting?

Large scale encompasses several aspects such as large conveying capacity, large individual machine length and large inclination to convey. The length of the hydraulic conveyor has reached more than 440 kilometers. The length of a single belt conveyor is almost 15 kilometers, and several "belt conveyors" have been built that connect the two places. Many countries are exploring a more complete conveyor structure for the continuous transport of materials over long distances and large volumes.

Expansion of the scope of use of conveyors refers to the development of conveyor belting equipment that can work in environments with corrosive, radioactive, and flammable substances under high and low-temperature conditions, as well as conveyor belting equipment that can transport hot, explosive, agglomerated, and viscous materials.

Common conveyor beltings are TD75 and DTⅡ conveyor beltings.

What are the characteristics of the conveyor belting?

Conveyor belting structures include horizontal linear conveying, lifting and climbing conveying, turning conveying, and other forms. The conveyor belting can also be equipped with hoisting baffles, side baffles, and other accessories to meet various technological requirements.

Conveyor belting conveyor material: A3 low carbon steel, 201 stainless steel, 304 stainless steel, etc.

Drive methods are geared toward the motor drive.

Speed regulation methods are frequency conversion speed regulation, step-less speed regulation.

What are the functions of the plate-type equipment of the conveyor belting?

1. Wide application range. Except for materials with extremely high viscosity, general solid materials and finished objects can be transported with it;

2. Large conveying capacity. In particular, the production capacity of the slab conveyor (generally called the double-chain corrugated slat conveyor) can be as high as 1000t/h;

3. The towing chain has high strength and can be used for long-distance transportation.

4. Flexible layout of transmission line. Compared with belt conveyors, slab conveyors have greater layout flexibility as they can be transported under the conditions of larger inclination angles and smaller bending radii. The inclination angle of the slab conveyor can reach 30°-35°, and the bending radius is usually about 5-8m.

5. During the transfer process, various processes such as sorting, drying, cooling or assembly can be performed.

6. Stable and reliable operation;

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