Could you show me how to use this splice press?
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Could you show me how to use this splice press?

Views: 56     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-02-22      Origin: Site


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Could you show me how to use this splice press?

With the rapid development of technology, the continuous conveyor belt splicing of splice presses can form strong and durable joints through heat, pressure, and/or chemical bonding to achieve truly seamless splicing. With our professional product line, achieving perfect coherent splicing is only a matter of choice.

What is the key to the maintenance of the splice press?

What exactly is the mold conveyor of the splice press?

What are the general safe operation requirements for splice presses?

What is the key to the maintenance of the splice press?

For a daily maintenance project of a mechanical press, which aspect is the most important? The answer is the operator. All press maintenance and problem finding start with the operator, who can often find the pressing problem early to prevent major and continuous damage to the press components. The operator can discover the problem by paying attention to the strange noise from the press; abnormal temperature rise, smoke, debris or metal particles in some parts; and leaking pipelines. Operators should ask themselves some questions every day and record the answers after inspection, to maintain long-term maintenance records.

What exactly is the mold conveyor of the splice press?

The platform is a structure with a rolling conveyor on the upper part, one end is connected to the base of the press (removable), and one end is placed on the ground (adjustable height). Carrying capacity 3T; height rolls the upper surface to be flush with the lower heating plate; plane size (2800~2900)×750mm2 (available part); temperature insulation board is placed around the press row and the base to reduce the mold heating process The heat loss is made of an aluminum plate (or stainless steel plate) and insulation material. It can be divided into several pieces for easy placement.

What are the general safe operation requirements for splice presses?

Before moving the equipment, check whether the operating parts of the press, the clutch, and the brake are in an effective state, whether the safety protection device is complete and easy to use, and whether there are any abnormalities in the crank slider mechanism. Necessary measures should be taken immediately if any abnormality is found, and operation with the disease is not allowed, and it is strictly forbidden to disassemble and damage the safety device. Before the formal operation, an idling test run is required to confirm that all parts are normal before work. All unnecessary items on the workbench should be cleaned up before starting the machine to prevent the sudden start of the slider caused by driving vibration and hitting people or hitting the switch. Tools must be used for operation. It is strictly forbidden to directly reach into the mold mouth to take objects by hand, and hand tools must not be placed on the mold.

The types of presses continue to increase to meet the needs of different industrial scenarios. Our company has professional technical personnel who can provide you with professional technical guidance. At the same time, we guarantee the quality of the products. If you are interested in splice presses and want to know more information, please click our company website:



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