What is a conveyor belting?
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What is a conveyor belting?

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What is a conveyor belting?

Technical progress has promoted the innovation of conveyor belting technology. Various types of conveyor beltings have been continuously developed, with more complete functions, and suitable for application requirements in a variety of industries. The research and development of the conveyor belting have accelerated the speed of material transmission, improved the efficiency of transmission, and accelerated the development of productivity to a certain extent.

What are the types of conveyor beltings?

What are the composition and characteristics of conveyor belting equipment without traction parts?

What are the technical requirements for the conveyor belting?

What are the types of conveyor beltings?

Conveyor beltings are generally classified according to whether there are traction parts: conveyor beltings equipped with traction parts and conveyor belting equipment without traction parts.

There are many types of conveyor beltings equipped with traction parts, mainly: belt conveyors, slat conveyors, trolley conveyors, escalators, moving walks, scraper conveyors, buried scraper conveyors, bucket conveyors, suspended conveyors and aerial ropeways, etc.

Conveyor belting equipment without traction parts commonly includes rollers for rotating motion and screw conveyors.

What are the composition and characteristics of conveyor belting equipment without traction parts?

The structure and composition of conveyor belting equipment without traction parts are different, and the working components used to transport materials are also different.

Their structural characteristics are: use the rotating or reciprocating movement of the working component or use the flow of the medium in the pipeline to transport the material forward. For example, the working component of a roller conveyor is a series of rollers, which rotates to transport materials; the working component of a screw conveyor is a spiral, which rotates in a trough to push materials along the trough; the component of the work of a vibrating conveyor is a trough, which reciprocates to convey the materials placed in it.

What are the technical requirements for the conveyor belting?

It is necessary to have sufficient rigidity to support the material to ensure that the deformation on the idler rollers with effective spacing is as small as possible. This is very necessary to ensure the smooth movement of the conveyor belting and the material on the idler. A certain rigidity can also ensure its small bending deformation occurs in the transverse direction, this property is opposite to the slotting;

The load-bearing capacity will decrease as the width of the rubber belt increases and the weight of the material increases. For a wider conveyor belting, a stronger belt core is required to carry the material, because the increase in the load and the increase in the bandwidth have the same effect. For materials with heavier weight, it is necessary to use a stronger belt core, because the load capacity will be greater, and there can be different choices in the layer structure and the thickness of the middle rubber layer.

Conveyor beltings are constantly adapting to the requirements of conveying materials in different industries and fields during technological changes, and are suitable for the high-intensity needs of long-term operations. Our company has professional technicians who can customize personalized products for you. At the same time, we guarantee that your products will be delivered to you quickly after production. If you are interested in our company's conveyor belting and want to learn more about it, please click on our company's website:



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